Soft pipes, play on

Melbourne Now, Vesssels, co-curated by the NGV & Craft

Soft Pipes, play on reimagines a prehistoric stone-hewn vessel in lush blue velvet. Created using a time-intensive process of knotting velvet to create a dense organic surface, the vessel combines a historic form with a contemporary material, divesting the object of its original function. The title of the work is derived from English Romantic poet John Keats’ 1819 poem ‘Ode on a Grecian urn.’ While the poem refers to musical pipes in a scene painted onto the surface of a Greek vessel, Pattle recontextualises the line to describe the material property of her amphora. Pattle’s vessel playfully muddles culture and material within the framework of an anthropogenic material culture.

Images 1, 3 ~ Installation view of Vessels at NGV Australia: Ian Potter Centre. Image: Tom Ross

Images 4 ~ Limited edition mini sculptures created in colloboration with the NGV Design Store and Craft